Do the Stripes on a Blue Resitor Matter


Color-codedresistor values are commonly used. Color bands are used to identify almost all leaded resistors with a power rating of up to onewatt. The international standard IEC 60062 specifies the coding system. The markingcodes for resistors andcapacitors are specified in this standard. The standard includes numericalcodes that are often used for surface mountSMD resistors, in addition to defining the color bands.

a guide to color code of resistor

this figure shows a guide to color code of resistor

Several bands provide the color code. They provide the resistance value, tolerance, and, in some cases, the dependability or failure rate when used together. There are anywhere from three to six bands. Two bands are required to represent the resistance value, with one band serving as a multiplier. Resistance levels are standardized and referred to as preferred values.

this video shows resistor color code



Ⅰ 1 Ohm Resistor Color Code

1.1  Color Code Of 1ohm 4-Band Resistor

1.2 Color Code Of 1ohm 5-Band Resistor

1.3 Frequently Asked Questions about 1 Ohm Resistor

Ⅱ 10 Ohm Resistor Color Code

2.1 Color Code of 10 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

2.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 10 Ohm Resistor

Ⅲ 100 Ohm Resistor Color Code

3.1 Color Code of 100 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

3.2 Color Code of 100 Ohm 5-Band Resistor

3.3 Frequently Asked Questions about 100 Ohm Resistor

Ⅳ 120 Ohm Resistor Color Code

4.1 Color Code of 120 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

4.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 120 Ohm Resistor

Ⅴ 150 Ohm Resistor Color Code

5.1 Color Code of 150 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

5.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 150 Ohm Resistor

Ⅵ 220 ohm resistor color code

6.1 220 ohm resistor color code with 5% tolerance

6.2 220 Ohm Resistor Color Code with 10% Tolerance

6.3 Frequently Asked Questions about 220 Ohm Resistor

Ⅶ 330 Ohm Resistor Color Code

7.1 Color Code of 330 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

7.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 330 Ohm Resistor

Ⅷ 470 Ohm Resistor Color Code

8.1 Color Code of 470 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

8.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 470 Ohm Resistor

Ⅸ 500(510) Ohm Resistor Color Code

9.1 Color Code of 500(510) Ohm 4-Band Resistor

9.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 500(510) Ohm Resistor

Ⅹ 1k Ohm Resistor Color Code

10.1 Color Code of 1k Ohm 4-Band Resistor

10.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 1k Ohm Resistor

Ⅺ 2k Ohm Resistor Color Code

11.1 Color Code of 2k Ohm 4-Band Resistor

11.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 2k Ohm Resistor

Ⅻ 2.2k Ohm Resistor Color Code

12.1 Color Code of 2.2k Ohm 4-Band Resistor

12.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 2.2k Ohm Resistor

XIII Resistor Color Code Calculator

13.1 4 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

13.2 5 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

13.3 6 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

Ⅰ 1 Ohm Resistor Color Code

1.1  Color Code Of 1ohm 4-Band Resistor

The resistor color code table can be used to determine the color code of a 1 ohm resistor. Below is a figure of a resistor color code for a 1 4-band resistor:

color code of 1Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 1Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Black 0
3rd Gold 0.1
4th Gold -0.05
1st digit 1
2nd digit 0
3rd multiplier:
1 Ohm

4-band 100 ohm resistor color code is calculated as:

1st-band= Brown= 1 (1st digit)

2nd-band= Black= 0 (2nd digit)

3rd-band= Brown= 0.1 (multiplier) = 0.1

4th-band= Gold= ±5%  (tolerance) – {4th band can be of any color as it indicates tolerancevalue}

Thus, 10×0.1±5%  –> 1 ohm  –> 1 Ω
The tolerance will be –> 5% of 1 –>0.05 Ω
Theoretically, the value of 1 Ω resistor is between 0.95 Ω to 1.05 Ω

We acquired the color code of the resistor based on the decimal value of the respective band counted from left to right from the chart. So, for a 1 ohm resistor, the first digit is "1", and if you look for a color in a chart with a value of 1, the first color will be brown. The next digit is "0"; look for a color in the chart with a value of 0, and your second color will be black. The third one is multiplier 0.1; seek for a color in the chart with a value of 0.1, and your third color will be gold.

In 4- and 5-band resistors, the last band has the tolerance value indications. It is Gold in this case, indicating a tolerance value of 5%. Silver has a tolerance of 10%, Black has a tolerance of 1%, and Brown has a tolerance of 2%. If the fourth band is missing, the tolerance should be set to 20%.

1.2 Color Code Of 1ohm 5-Band Resistor

The 100 ohm 5-band resistor color code is brown, black, black, silver, black and it is found as:

color code of 1Ω 5-band resistor

color code of 1Ω 5-band resistor

1st-band = Brown= 1 (1st-digit)

2nd-band = Black= 0 (2nd-digit)

3rd-band = Black = 0 (3rd-digit)

4th-band = Silver = 0.01 (multiplier) = 0.01

5th-band = Black= ±1%  (tolerance)

So, for a 1 ohm 5-band precision resistor, the first digit is '1'; look for a color in the table with a value of 1, and that's your first color-brown. The next digit is "0";  seek for a color in the chart with a value of 0; this is the 2nd band color, black. Its third digit is "0";  look for a color in the chart with a value of 0; this is the color of the third band, which is black. The fourth digit is now the multiplier, which should be (0.01), so the fourth band will be silver in color.

The bands color and, in some cases, the tolerance value will be the same from the value to the power rating of a 5-band resistor and a 4-band resistor.

1.3 Frequently Asked Questions about 1 Ohm Resistor

1. What does a 1 ohm resistor do?

The 1 Ohm resistor is most likely used to simulate a rather large capacitor ESR value. That resistor makes the capacitor less effective in filtering the full wave rectified sine wave.

2. What is the value of 1 ohm resistor?

Ohm defines the unit of resistance of "1 Ohm" as the resistance between two points in a conductor where the application of 1 volt will push 1 ampere, or 6.241×10^18 electrons. This value is usually represented in schematics with the Greek letter "Ω", which is called omega, and pronounced "ohm".

3.What has a resistance of 1 ohm?

1 Ohm is defined as the resistance of a conductor with a potential difference of 1 volt applied to the ends through which 1-ampere current flows. Ohms is the SI unit of electrical resistance.

4.Is 1 ohm a lot of resistance?

A single ohm (1 Ω) isactually a very small amount of resistance. Resistances in the hundreds, thousands, or even millions of ohms are usually called for in electronic circuits.

5.What is the formula of 1 ohm?

The unit for resistance is an ohm and is given the symbol Ω (upper case Greek omega). Rearranging I = V/R gives R = V/I, and so the units of resistance are 1 ohm = 1 volt per ampere:1Ω=1VA 1 Ω = 1 VA .

Ⅱ 10 Ohm Resistor Color Code

2.1 Color Code of 10 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

4-bands 10 ohm Resistor color code image is as follows:

color code of 10Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 10Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Black 0
3rd Black 1
4th Gold -0.05
1st digit 1
2nd digit 0
3rd multiplier:1
10 Ohm

It is calculated as:

1st band= Brown= 1(1st digit)

2nd band= Black= 0(2nd digit)

3rd band= Black= 1(multiplier)

4th band= Gold= ±5% (tolerance)

Therefore, 10×1±5%  ==> 10Ω  ==> 10Ω

And tolerance considered as ==> 5% of 10 ==>0.5Ω

Final assumed value of 10Ω resistor is between 9.5 to 10.5Ω

If the resistor has red and brown color bands, double-check it, as red and brown are close enough to be mistaken when it's already in the circuit.

2.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 10 Ohm Resistor

1. What is the power consumed by the 10 ohm resistor?

Hence no current flows through 10Ω resistor, and thus power consumed by 10Ω resistor iszero.

2. What is the current through the 10 ohm resistor?

If the 10 ohm resistor is connected across the 6 V battery, the total resistance connected across the battery is 10.8 V. This gives the current flowing across the 10 ohm resistor equal to 6/10.8 =5/9 amp. The maximum current that can be passed through the 10 ohm resistor is 5/9 A.

3. What is the voltage across the 10 ohm resistor?

Ohm's Law says that the current I = V / R. The voltage across the whole circuit is12 volts, and the total resistance is 10 ohms. The answer is I = 12 / 10 = 1.2 amperes.

4. What is the power dissipated by the 10 ohm resistor?

We can now calculate the power dissipated by each using P = I2R. For the 10 Ω resistor this isP 10  = (12 A) 2 (10 Ω) = 1440 W. For the 7 Ω resistor this is P7 = (12 A)2(7Ω) = 1008 W.

5. What is a 10 ohm resistor used for?

A passivedevice that resists the flow of electricity. Description: This resistor will provide 10 Ohms of resistance wherever it is placed and will handle 1/4 watts. Use these low value resistors for voltage dividers and where you need to keep the current flow as high as possible.

Ⅲ 100 Ohm Resistor Color Code

3.1 Color Code of 100 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The resistor color chart can be used to determine the color code of a 100 ohm resistor. Below is a figure of a resistor color code for a 100R 4-band resistor :

color code of 100Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 100Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Black 0
3rd Brown 10 multiplier
4th Gold 5% tolerance

The color code for the four bands 100 Ohm resistor is brown, black, brown, gold.

4-band 100 ohm resistor color code is calculated as:

1st-band= Brown= 1 (1st digit)

2nd-band= Black= 0 (2nd digit)

3rd-band= Brown= 1 (multiplier) = 10^1 = 10

4th-band= Gold= ±5%  (tolerance)

Thus, 100×1±5%  –> 100 ohms  –> 100 Ω
The tolerance will be –> 5% of 100 –>5 Ω
Theoretically, the value of 100 Ω resistor is between 95 Ω to 105 Ω.

In 4- and 5-band resistors, the last band indicates the resistor's tolerance value. It is Gold in this case, indicating a tolerance value of 5%. Brown specifies a 10% tolerance for Silver and a 2% tolerance for Gold. If the fourth band is missing, the tolerance should be set to 20%.

3.2 Color Code of 100 Ohm 5-Band Resistor

The figure below shows 100 ohm resistor color code of 5-band resistor:

color code of 100Ω 5-band resistor

color code of 100Ω 5-band resistor

The 100R 5-band resistor color code is brown, black, black, black, gold and it is found as:

1st-band = Brown= 1 (1st-digit)

2nd-band = Black= 0 (2nd-digit)

3rd-band = Black = 0 (3rd-digit)

4th-band = Black = 0 (multiplier) = 10^0 = 1

5th-band = Gold= ±5%  (tolerance)

So, if the first digit is "1"for a 100-ohm 5 band resistance, look for color on the chart with a value of 1, and that's your first color (say brown). The next digit is "0", so seek for color on the chart with a value of 0 to identify the 2nd band color (say black). The third digit is "0", thus look for a color in the chart with a value of 0 to identify the 3rd band color (say black). The fourth digit is the multiplier value (100 = 1), which is zero; so, the fourth band will be black.

Except for the bands painted on them, everything about the 5-band resistor and 4-band resistor will be the same, from the value to the power rating.

3.3 Frequently Asked Questions about 100 Ohm Resistor

1. What is a 100 ohm resistor used for?

Commonly used inbreadboards and other prototyping applications, these 100 ohm resistors make excellent pull-ups, pull-downs and current limiters. These thick-lead versions of the resistors fit snugly into a breadboard with very little movement, so you should have few to no issues using them in your next project!

2. How can you tell if a resistor is 100 ohm?

The color code for the four bands 100 Ohm resistor is brown, black, brown, gold. 4-band 100 ohm resistor color code is calculated as:1st-band= Brown= 1 (1st digit)2nd-band= Black= 0 (2nd digit).

3. What is the resistance of a 100 ohm resistor?

1 MΩ = 100,000 =10⁶ Ω. Note that for a group containing any number of resistors connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is always less than the smallest resistor in the group of resistors and adding any new resistor will always decrease the equivalent resistance of the group.

4. What is the minimum resistance of a 100 ohm?

So a 100 ohm resistor with a 20% tolerance can measure80 to 120 ohms. Same resistor with 10% tolerance can measure 90 to 110 ohms. This assumes your measuring equipment is calibrated correctly.

5. How do you make a 100 ohm resistor?

Take some Insulated Constantan wire check its ohms per metre from data sheet. say 20 Ohms per metre. You would need 5 metres to make 100 Ohms. Take the midpoint and wind the wire round a non-flammable core from the midpoint to the ends. The doubling back negates the inductance since it creates two inductors back to back which cancel each other out. The wire must be insulated (enamelled) or it will short-circuit itself out when wound.

Ⅳ 120 Ohm Resistor Color Code

4.1 Color Code of 120 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The 120 ohm Resistor color code for 4-band resistor is as shown in the figure below:

color code of 120Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 120Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Red 2
3rd Brown 10 multiplier
4th Gold 5% tolerance

120 ohm resistor color code for 4-band is calculated as:

(1st digit) = Brown = 1

(2nd digit) = Red = 2

(multiplier) = Brown = 1 = 10^1 = 10

(tolerance) = Gold= ±5%

∴ 12×10±5%  –> 120 ohms  –> 120 Ω

∴ the real value of 120 ohm resistor is between 114 Ω to 126 Ω

We need to find the color code of the resistor based on the decimal value of each band counted from left to right using the resistor color code chart. Thus, with a 120 ohm resistor, the first digit is "1"; look for a color in a chart with a value of 1, and that's the first color (say brown). The next digit is "2"; look for a color in a chart with a value of 2; this is the second color (say red). The multiplier "10" is the next 3rd digit "1" (but value 101 = 10); check for color in a chart with value 1, then it's the 3rd color band (say brown).

The tolerance value of the resistor is determined by the last bands in the 4th and 5th bands resistors. The gold signifies that the resistor value is within a 5% tolerance. Silver has a tolerance value of 10%, while Brown has a tolerance value of value points at a tolerance value of 1%. If the fourth band is missing, a tolerance of 20% is assumed.

4.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 120 Ohm Resistor

1. Why has the CAN standard selected 120 Ohm resistors?

The answer is thatmost automotive cables are single wire. If you take the wires typically used in a car and twist them into a pair, you will get an impedance of 120 Ohm.

2. What uses a 120 Ohm resistor?

A CAN bus terminator can be used for termination of any high speed (ISO 11898-2) CAN bus system. The 120 Ohm terminating resistor is setup between pin 2 (CAN low) and pin 7 (CAN high). In contrast, most vehicle CAN buses are already terminated properly.

3. Can I use 120 Ohm resistor?

Ina low speed CAN each device should have a 120 Ohm resistor. In a high speed CAN-Bus (>100Kbit, used in automotive) only each end of the main loop should have a 120 Ohm resistor. You should measure 60 Ohms over these 2 wires, because there are two 120 Ohms resistors in parallel (parallel resistance calculator).

4. Is there any specific reason to use 120 ohm resistor?

In Roman numerals CXX is 120 so it makes sense, A and N are undefined under that scheme so they replaced with X which is often used to mark an unknown (X marks the spot etc).

Ⅴ 150 Ohm Resistor Color Code

5.1 Color Code of 150 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The 150 ohm Resistor color code for 4-band resistor is as shown in the figure below:

color code of 150Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 150Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Red 5
3rd Brown 10 multiplier
4th Gold 5% tolerance

150 ohm resistor color code for 4-band is calculated as:

(1st digit) = Brown = 1

(2nd digit) = Green = 5

(multiplier) = Brown = 1 = 10^1 = 10

(tolerance) = Gold= ±5%

∴ 15×10±5%  –> 150 ohms  –> 150 Ω

∴ the real value of 150 Ω resistor is between 142.5 Ω to 157.5 Ω

We must determine the color code of the resistor using the resistor color code table and the decimal value of each band counted from left to right. Thus, with a 120 ohm resistor, the first digit is "1"; look for a color in a chart with a value of 1, and that's the first color (say brown). The second digit is "3", so look for a color in a chart with a value of 2 to know what the second color is (say green). The multiplier "10" is the 3rd digit "1" (but value 101 = 10); check for color in the table with value 1, then it is your 3rd color band (say brown).

The tolerance value of the resistor is determined by the last bands in the 4th and 5th bands resistors. The Gold band shows that the resistor value is within a 5% tolerance. The Silver band has a tolerance of 10%, whereas the Brown band has a tolerance of 1%. If the fourth color band is missing, the tolerance is presumed to be 20%.

5.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 150 Ohm Resistor

1. What is a 150 ohm resistor?

150 Ohm1/2W Flameproof Resistor 10 Pcs. These low noise, metal oxide film resistors include a flame resistant, non-flammable coating. Each resistor is 1/2 watt with 5% tolerance.

2. How do I identify a 150 ohm resistor?

150 ohm resistor color code for 4-band is calculated as:

1st digit= Brown = 1.

2nd digit= Green = 5.

multiplier= Brown = 1 = 10^1 = 10.

tolerance= Gold=±5%.

Ⅵ 220 ohm resistor color code

6.1 220 ohm resistor color code with 5% tolerance

220 ohm resistor color code with 5% tolerance is as shown:

220 ohm resistor color code with 5% tolerance

220 ohm resistor color code with 5% tolerance

Band Color Value
1st Red 2
2nd Red 2
3rd Brown 10
4th Gold ±5%

It is calculated as:

1st band= Red= 2(1st digit)

2nd band= Red= 2(2nd digit)

3rd band= Brown= 10(multiplier)

4th band= Gold= ±5% (tolerance)

Therefore, 22×10±5%  ==> 220Ω  ==> 0.22kΩ

And tolerance considered as ==> 5% of 220 ==>11Ω

Final assumed value of 220Ω resistor is between 209 to 231Ω

6.2 220 Ohm Resistor Color Code with 10% Tolerance

220 ohm resistor color code with 10% tolerance

220 ohm resistor color code with 10% tolerance

It is calculated as:

1st band= Red= 2(1st digit)

2nd band= Red= 2(2nd digit)

3rd band= Brown= 10(multiplier)

4th band= Gold= ±10% (tolerance)

Therefore, 22×10±10%  ==> 220Ω  ==> 0.22kΩ

And tolerance considered as ==> 5% of 220 ==>22Ω

Final assumed value of 220Ω resistor is between 198 to 242Ω

Check if the resistor has bands of brown and red hue because red and brown look to be quite similar when placed in a circuit.

6.3 Frequently Asked Questions about 220 Ohm Resistor

1. What does a 220 ohm resistor do?

Resistorsact to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines among other uses.

2. What is a 220ohm resistor?

220 ohm 1/4 watt Resistor (Pack of 10) A resistor is a passive two terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits.

3. Will a 5 volt LED with a 1/8W 220 ohm resistor run safely on a 6V power supply?

Depending on the color, the forward voltage across the led varies. You will have about 2.0 V on a red LED at 20 mA. That means 4.0 Volt will be across the 220 ohm resistor. The Power P is equal to E square divided by R, 4.0 square divided by 220 = 0.0073 Watt, so it is safe to use a 1/8 Watt resistor.

4. What should a 220 ohm resistor be rated at?

A 220 ohm resistor with a 5% tolerance will be between 209 and 231 ohms. 5% might not be considered that accurate these days (but still easily accurate enough for many uses). Years ago, 20% was also a common tolerance, where a 220 ohm resistor with a 20% tolerance might be between 176 and 264 ohms.

Ⅶ 330 Ohm Resistor Color Code

7.1 Color Code of 330 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The 330 ohm Resistor color code for 4-band resistor is as shown in the figure below:

color code of 330Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 330Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Orange 3
2nd Orange 3
3rd Brown 10
4th Gold -0.05

330 ohm resistor color code for 4-band is calculated as:

(1st digit) = Orange = 3

(2nd digit) = Orange = 3

(multiplier) = Brown = 1 = 10^1 = 10

(tolerance) = Gold= ±5%

∴ 33×10±5%  –> 330 ohms  –> 330 Ω

∴ the real value of 330 Ω resistor is between 313.5  Ω to 346.5 Ω

We found the color code of the resistor concerning its decimal value of the corresponding bands counted from left to right in the resistor color code table.

Thus, if the first digit of a 330-ohm resistor is "3", seek for a color in a chart with a value of 3, and that is your first color (say orange). The following digit is "3", therefore look for a color in a chart with a value of 3 to choose your second color (say orange). The next 3rd number, "0" is multiplier "1"so look for a color in a chart with a value of 1, and that's your 3rd color band (say brown).

The last bands of a 4- or 5-band resistor are used to indicate the resistor's tolerance value. Gold represents a tolerance threshold of 5% in this case. Silver has a value of ten percent, while Brown has a value of one percent tolerance. If the fourth band is missing, the tolerance value is set to 20%.

7.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 330 Ohm Resistor

1. What does a 330 ohm resistor do?

330 ohms may be used by some people as a "get you going" value that works "well enough" in many cases. The purpose of the resistor isto "drop" voltage that is not required to operate the LED, when the LED is operating at the desired current.

2. Why do we use 330 ohm resistor to connect a led?

The typical red LED gave reasonable brightness at 10 mA forward current, and dropped 1.7 V at 10 mA. That means you want the entire circuit to deliver 10 mA, and you need to drop 3.3 V in the series resistor. Ohm's Law gives 330 ohms for that setup.

3. What is the real value of a 330 ohm resistor?

The real value of 330 Ω resistor is between 313.5 Ω to 346.5 Ω. From the resistor color code table we found the color code of resistor with respect to its decimal value of the respective bands counted from left to right.

4. What's the cut off between 330 and 470 ohm?

Likewise, the cut off between 330 ohm and 470 ohm is about 380ohms (about because there's a bit of rounding in the numbers). This sequence of numbers where each is a certain percentage above the last is known as the E series.

Ⅷ 470 Ohm Resistor Color Code

8.1 Color Code of 470 Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The 470 ohm Resistor color code for 4-band is as shown in the figure below:

color code of 470Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 470Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Yellow 4
2nd Violet 7
3rd Brown 10
4th Gold 5%

470 ohm resistor color code for 4-band is calculated as:

(1st digit) = Yellow = 4

(2nd digit) = Violet = 7

(multiplier) = Brown = 1 = 10^1 = 10

(tolerance) = Gold= ±5%

∴ 47×10±5%  –> 470 ohms  –> 470 Ω

∴ the real value of 470 Ω resistor is between 446.5  Ω to 493.5 Ω

We discovered the color code of the resistor about the decimal value of the respective band numbered from left to right using the resistor code chart.

So, if the first digit of a 470-ohm resistor is 4, seek for a color in a chart with a value of 4, and that is your first color (say yellow). The next digit is "7 "; look for a color in a chart with a value of 7, and that is your second color (say violet). Look for color in a chart with value 1, then it's your 3rd color band (say brown).

The last bands of a 4- or 5-band resistor are used to indicate the resistor's tolerance value. The color gold implies a tolerance rating of 5%. Silver represents a 10% tolerance, while Brown represents a 1% tolerance. If the fourth band is missing, the tolerance value is set to 20%.

8.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 470 Ohm Resistor

1. What does a 470 ohm resistor do?

A passivedevice that resists the flow of electricity. This resistor will provide 470 Ohms of resistance wherever it is placed and will handle 1/4 watts. Use these low value resistors for voltage dividers and where you need to keep the current flow as high as possible.

2. How do I know if I have a 470 ohm resistor?

So for 470-ohm resistor, 1st digit is "4", then look for color in a chart with value 4, and then it's your 1st color(say yellow). The next 2nd digit is ' 7 ', then look for color in a chart with value 7, and then it's your 2nd color (say violet).

3. What is a 470 resistor?

The 3 digit SMD resistor code 470 stands for47 Ω, in words: forty-seven Ohms resistance.

Ⅸ 500(510) Ohm Resistor Color Code

9.1 Color Code of 500(510) Ohm 4-Band Resistor

Because a 500 ohm resistor is a nonstandard value of the resistor, a 510 ohm resistor will suffice. Because the 510 Ohm resistor is the closest standard value to the 500 Ohm resistor.

Because the mistake is only 2%, you may replace the 500 ohm resistor with a 510 ohm resistor and the circuit performance will be nearly identical.

color code of 510Ω 4-band resistor

color code of 510Ω 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Green 5
2nd Brown 1
3rd Brown 10
4th Gold 5%

It is calculated as:

1st band= Green= 5(1st digit)

2nd band= Brown= 1(2nd digit)

3rd band= Brown= 10(multiplier)

4th band= Gold= ±5% (tolerance)

Therefore, 51×10±5%  ==> 510Ω  ==> 0.51 kΩ

And tolerance considered as ==> 5% of 510 ==>22.5 Ω

Final practical value of 510Ω resistor lies between 487.5 to 532.5 Ω

9.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 500(510) Ohm Resistor

1.What is a 510 resistor?

The 3 digit SMD resistor code 510 stands for 51 Ω, in words:fifty-one Ohms resistance.

2.Can you substitute 500 ohm for 510 ohm?

Because the nearest standard value(to the 500-ohm resistor)is 510 Ohm. The error percent is only 2%, therefore, you can substitute 500 ohm with 510 ohm resistor and circuit performance will nearly remain same. The alternative method is to connect two 1000 ohm resistor in parallel.

Ⅹ 1k Ohm Resistor Color Code

10.1 Color Code of 1k Ohm 4-Band Resistor

4-bands 1k Resistor color code is as follows:

This resistor most commonly used in electronic circuit and thus you can remember its color code.

color code of 1kΩ 4-band resistor

color code of 1kΩ 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Black 0
3rd Red 100
4th Gold 5%

It is calculated as:

1st band= Brown= 1(1st digit)

2nd band= Black= 0(2nd digit)

3rd band= Red= 100(multiplier)

4th band= Gold= ±5% (tolerance)

Therefore, 10×100±5%  ==> 1000Ω  ==> 1kΩ

And tolerance considered as ==> 5% of 1000 ==>50Ω

Final assumed value of 1kΩ resistor is between 950 to 1050Ω

10.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 1k Ohm Resistor

1. What is 1k ohm resistor?

A resistor reduces (or resists) the flow of current. The value of the resistance is expressed as a number of ohms (the symbol Ω is used for ''ohm''). The number of ohms is coded with a color and appears as a band on the device itself. So, a 1k Ω resistor has a value of1,000 ohms and the number we will code is 1,000.

2. What is a 1k ohm resistor used for?

Commonly used inbreadboards and other prototyping applications, these 1K ohm resistors make excellent pull-ups, pull-downs and current limiters. These thick-lead versions of the resistors fit snugly into a breadboard with very little movement, so you should have few to no issues using them in your next project!

3. Can we use 1k resistor?

A resistor reduces (or resists) the flow of current. So, a 1kΩ resistor has a value of1,000 ohms and the number we will code is 1,000.

4. What is 1k ohm?

Kilo ohm is a unit of measurement for electrical resistance. Kilo ohm is a multiple of electrical resistance unit ohm. One kilo ohm is equal to 1000 ohms.

Ⅺ 2k Ohm Resistor Color Code

11.1 Color Code of 2k Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The below figure showing 2k resistor color code with four band:

color code of 2kΩ 4-band resistor

color code of 2kΩ 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Red 2
2nd Black 0
3rd Red 100
4th Gold 5%

2k Resistor colour Code calculations are:

1st band= Red= 2 (1st digit)

2nd band= Black= 0 (2nd digit)

3rd band= Red= 100 (multiplier)

4th band= Gold= ±5% (tolerance)

Therefore, 20×100±5%  ==> 2000Ω  ==> 2kΩ

And tolerance considered as ==> 5% of 2000 ==>100Ω

Final assumed value of 2kΩ resistor is between 1900 to 2100Ω

If the resistor has Brown and Red color bands, inspect it carefully because red and brown appear to be extremely similar when utilized in a circuit. To accomplish so, use suitable lighting.

11.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 2k Ohm Resistor

1. What is the current through 2k ohm resistor?

Current flowing through 2 kΩ resistances is 4.5 mA .

2. What does 2K ohms mean?

2k ohms resistor means value of that current limiting resistor is 2000 ohms. This value is helpful in circuit design with ohms law(v=IR)and calculating the value of current in the circuit. v=voltage, I= current, R= resistance. Ω=symbol for ohm.

Ⅻ 2.2k Ohm Resistor Color Code

12.1 Color Code of 2.2k Ohm 4-Band Resistor

The 2.2k ohm Resistor color code for 4-band resistor is as shown in the figure below:

color code of 2.2kΩ 4-band resistor

color code of 2.2kΩ 4-band resistor

Band Color Value
1st Red 2
2nd Red 2
3rd Red 100
4th Gold 5%

2.2k ohm resistor color code for 4-band is calculated as:

(1st digit) = Red = 2

(2nd digit) = Red = 2

(multiplier) = Red = 2 = 10^2 = 100

(tolerance) = Gold= ±5%

∴ 22×100±5%  –> 2.2k ohms  –> 2200 Ω

∴ the real value of 2.2k ohm resistor is between 2090 Ω to 2310 Ω

We need to find the color code of the resistor based on the decimal value of each band counted from left to right using the resistor color code table. Thus, since the first number of a 2.2k ohm resistor is "2", seek for a color in a chart with a value of 2, and that is your first color (say red). The next digit is "2"; look for a color in a chart with a value of 2; this is your second color (say red). The multiplier "2" is the next 3rd digit "100" (but value 102 = 100), therefore seek for color in a chart with a value of 2, and that's your 3rd color band (say red).

The tolerance value of the resistor is shown in the last bands of 4/5th bands resistors. The gold here denotes a tolerance value of 5%. Silver has a value of 10% tolerance, while Brown has a value of 1% tolerance. If the fourth band is missing, the tolerance is set to 20%.

12.2 Frequently Asked Questions about 2.2k Ohm Resistor

1. What is a 2.2k ohm resistor?

A 2.2k ohm resistor, is a resistor with a resistance of 2.2*10 3 = 22*10 2 = 2200 ohms = 2200 Ω. This particular resistor is easy to identify visually because it has three red stripes on it.

2. What does a 2.2 K resistor do?

Its purpose is toform a voltage divider with LDR (photoresistor). The resistance of LDR varies with the light intensity. The resistor turns the variable resistance into a variable voltage, which is then compared to a reference voltage that you can control with the potentiometer.

3. What does 1/2 watt mean in a 2.2K ohm resistor?

There are resistors like 1/4 watt, 1/2 watt and high power like 5 W and 10W. Higher the wattage resistors will be very thick ones. It means, how much current it can carry through it.

For Ex 2.2K ;

1/2 watt means

Power = 1/2 W = 0.5 W = 2.2K

P = I ^2 x R = Therefore I^2 = P/R = 0.5/2.2K = 0.22 Amp Sq  Therefore , I = sq rt(0.22) = 0.46 Amperes

Maximum 0.46 Ampere current can be passed through it.

XIII Resistor Color Code Calculator

13.1 4 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors or view all resistors Apogeeweb has to offer.

13.2 5 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors or view all resistors Apogeeweb has to offer.2. 5 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator.

13.3 6 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator

This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors or view all resistors Apogeeweb has to offer.

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